My Weekly Spending: Introducing My Vision Behind a New “Money Series”

I was first introduced to the concept of a “money diary” or “tracking your expenses” by Manisha Thakor, a Wellesley alum whose book opened my eyes up to the world of personal finance. Fast forward four years. I secure my first job, allowing me to support myself financially as a 22-year old. It is now year 2018 and there is no shortage of personal finance advice on the internet. This post marks the beginning of my “diary” relating to my finances as a 28-year old…

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When At First You Don’t Succeed, Don’t Give Up Too Soon

Real student life has kicked in. One week later, I can tell you that I hit an absolute low point in my self-esteem this week, doubting my sense of worth. Have you ever felt like you are an imposter, like you don’t belong? That’s how I felt on Tuesday, the first “official” day of one of my doctoral seminars in the program. Although I thought I had done everything right to prepare…

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10 Years Later: On Being a Student Again

It is 10pm on a Tuesday evening as I’m starting to write this, but this Tuesday feels different. This Tuesday is September 4, 2018, and today was my first day back in school, but not as a teacher. Today, I became an official student again---a doctoral student in an Ed.D program in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching…

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Money-Saving Strategy: Embrace a Smart Shopper Mindset (Part 1)

Regardless of your age and current financial standing, I believe there is something you can take away and perhaps integrate into your current lifestyle. The concept of money likely means something different to different people. I, for one, see money as a means of obtaining certain commodities that I want for my lifestyle…

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Reflections: On Being a Leader in the 21st Century

I'm sharing with you a "speech" of sorts that I delivered at the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony at my former school in Connecticut. I hope my message resonates with you and prompts you to reflect on your own experiences, ambitions, and talents, while also inspiring you to embrace who you are and to live up to your full potential….

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