Ars Poetica


Ars Poetica

I believe in time
in the renewing beauty of sunrises
and the dance of light 
with every sunset

I am in awe of water
and the chemistry 
of hydrogen and oxygen
that brings about life

I go nowhere
without my trusted companions:
My feet to carry me forward
My eyes to capture the world 
My pen and notebook to speak my life

It takes getting lost to find your way

I have faith in love
—that of my family— 
and trust
that we can work through 
the hurt of harm 
and heal our hearts
for our love comes from 
a place of ancestral care

I live by the light of India.Arie
the call of Dillard’s (re)membering
the reverberations of Etta’s “At Last”

I dance 
(in my mind)
to Hartman’s hauntingly beautiful prose
Solange’s architectural lines 
and womanly curves

I feel the jewel tones 
and contours 
of Ringgold’s Tar Beach 
and the promise 
of world-making

The writing does not create us
but in the act of writing
we are

I am my voice
my body
my wandering spirit 
